I anledning av St. Patricks-feiringa har Forslagets grønne skygge John Fitzpatrick jobbet sene kvelder for å tilby en rekke kulturelle godbiter fra Smaragdøya.
Entry charge: 120,- Tickets at the door (cash or Vipps).
Eamonn Dowd - www.eamonndowd.com
The Norwegian album launch of his new CD, Dig into Nowhere.
“… one of the great survivors of Irish rock ‘n’ roll.” – Olaf Tyaransen,
music journalist with Hot Press, Mojo, Penthouse and Rolling Stone.
Also appearing:
Dermot Barrett - www.maskedman.no
The Oslo album launch of his solo CD, Dawns Eras Tide.
“… A perfect example of hook laden power pop at it’s finest.”
Hot Press, Ireland
“‘Sellotape the Seams’ is a perfect pop song that Coldplay could
make a worldwide Hit!” - Bergensavisen, Norway
Warm up Act:
Maia Jern - www.maiamadness.com
Maia sings and plays a green ukulele and thinks that the world would
be a better place if everyone picked up an instrument or sang every
once in a while. She writes happy little tunes about love, mental illness,
and death.